PageLayout Region
default this is the top most region for any OAF page. We can create any
number of regions/items as children of this region. It provides some
common functionalities to all pages like footer (privacy & copyright
links), root AM, window title, title, function name etc..
Bean: oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAPageLayoutBean
DefaultSingleColumn Region
region is used for holding items in single column. Suppose we added 4
items inside this region, then all these item appear in one single
column as shown below:
Bean: oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OADefaultSingleColumnBean
DefaultDoubleColumn Region
DefaultDoubleColumn Region
DefaultDoubleColumn region is used to hold items in two columns. Prompt
of items will be right justified and the input fields will be left
For example as shown below, six items are added under this region which appears in two columns (3 items in each):
For example as shown below, six items are added under this region which appears in two columns (3 items in each):
Bean: oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OADefaultDoubleColumnBean
MessageComponentLayout Region
serves the multiple column display of components in an OAF page and
also satisfies the standard UI guidelines. messageComponentLayout region
set Rows =x and columns =y in property inspector. Now this is used
instead of DefaultSingleColumn and DefaultDoubleColumn.
TableLayout, RowLayout, CellFormat Region
We can create our items using messageComponentLayout region by setting number of rows and columns. However if that doesn't satisfy our requirement, then we can use tableLayout region and can place the items manually as we want. It provides 2 regions (rowLayout & cellFormat) using which we can have different number of columns for each row. All together, these 3 regions work as follows:
We can create our items using messageComponentLayout region by setting number of rows and columns. However if that doesn't satisfy our requirement, then we can use tableLayout region and can place the items manually as we want. It provides 2 regions (rowLayout & cellFormat) using which we can have different number of columns for each row. All together, these 3 regions work as follows:
- TableLayout can contain multiple rowLayout, each corresponding to a row.
- RowLayout contains multiple cellFormat, each corresponding to a column.
- Finally, inside cellFormat region, we can add different items.
we want to perform a search on a page, instead of creating different
items for criteria fields and serch button, we can use query region. It
provides built in functionality such as search panel ,advanced search
panel and Views Panel as shown below:
Bean: oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAQueryBean
HideShow Region
Using this region, we can show or hide
regions or items which are inside this region. Also we can set default
as hidden or shown on page load.
PageButtonBar Region
If we want to show some items at
pagelayout level, we can use pageButtonBar region as direct child of
pageLayout region. Items under this region will be displayed at bottom
as well as at top of the page.
Table Region
Table region is used to display data in
tabular form. It also supports other functionalities such as
single/multiple selection, sorting..
Advanced table extends the
functionality of simple table region. It provides declarative support
for these functionalities for which we to write code if using simple
table region. Advanced table has many rich features, some of which can
be like a table can now have an instruction text and even a tip, also
table can have a navigation bar, selection column, add rows button,
control bar, recalculate and many more.
Bean: oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.table.OAAdvancedTableBean
ContentContainer Region
This region has some special properties
which differentiates it from other regions. It can have different
background color which can be set using shade property. It can have
border all around so that it can be easily identified as separate region
as shown below:
FlowLayout Region
When we want to associate an item (mainly a button) with table or advanced table, we can create a flowLayout region. This is much easier than using tableLayout/rowLayout/cellFormat regions for performing this task.
Bean: oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAFlowLayoutBean
Switcher Region
When we want to associate an item (mainly a button) with table or advanced table, we can create a flowLayout region. This is much easier than using tableLayout/rowLayout/cellFormat regions for performing this task.
Bean: oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAFlowLayoutBean
Switcher Region
Switcher region is used to dynamically switch between the items displyed in a region. It is similar to CASE statement used in programming languages. For example, using this we can show an item on one condition and hide/disable the same on another condition.
Bean: oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OASwitcherBean
Train Region
Suppose we have a scenario where to complete one transaction we have to navigate multiple pages such as step1, step2...
Here we can use train region which
provides built in functionality for showing different stages of
transaction and highlight active page.
hGrid Region
This region is used when we want to display information in hierarchial structure.
Bean: oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.table.OAHGridBean
very help full
ReplyDeleteHow can I get to a LOV value which is withing a stacklayout -> switcher -> stacklayout?